Wednesday, April 4, 2012


As Lent draws to a close, I am finding myself in a completely different place than I was in when I started.  At the beginning, I felt tense, frustrated, etc.  And now, I feel very free so to speak.  I just feel good!

Stepping away from Facebook just gave me the time to focus on other things.  I really needed that! I am taking Gordon Lee outside every day, and I am sure the fresh air and sunshine are helping to enhance my overall mood.

I love watching my little boy grow and develop! I'm not fretting about what to do or not do with him.  I am happy with the way we are doing things, and I received a huge compliment on him this weekend.  It was much appreciated! We all want what is best for our children no matter how we approach parenting.  And it is nice to see that all different parenting styles can lead to beautiful, happy children.

Getting away from Facebook, helped me step away from drama.  I for one was spending WAY too much time caring about what other people posted on there.  It's their life and their freedom to post what they want.  Some people are constantly sharing the same thing and that is perfectly fine.  

It's so easy for our mood and perspective to change depending upon what we fill our day with.  I've found that getting out more and getting active more helps me keep things in perspective.  When I am on the computer a lot, silly and petty things become magnified.  And I suppose they would because those things are filling up too much of my time.

So, as Lent closes and I am ready to return to that social-networking site, I am going to make it my goal to use it as a source of encouragement.  I will probably try to limit my time on there and hopefully pause and rethink things if I find my mind wandering in the "they said WHAT?" direction.  It is so easy to start behaving more immature than a child!

It is so easy to judge and pick apart other people, and it is so destructive to ourselves and others.  So, hopefully love will guide me more as each day passes.

And I have really been enjoying on reflecting on what love is...

  • patient
  • kind
  • does not envy (doesn't despise another person in their happiness)
  • does not boast
  • is not proud
  • is not rude
  • is not self-seeking
  • is not easily angered
  • keeps no record of wrongs
Love uplifts, repairs, encourages, and covers all! 

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