Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby Blog 23

When life hands you lemons...

Compare them to the size of a baby! Today, I'm 14 weeks, and baby is around the size of a lemon now.  In other terms, that's 4 inches.  I actually bought some lemons and limes last week for cooking.  And I noticed my lemons and limes are around the same.  So, I'd guess the baby is the size of a large lemon now. :)

I had an appointment with my doctor today.  So far, everything is going normal with the pregnancy! We heard baby's heartbeat loud and strong at 149 bpm today! We listened to it for about 3 minutes; she said it sounded great.  I wish I had some way of bringing a recording device with me to the appointment.  I'd love to record the sound of baby's heartbeat to post it on here.  I don't even have a tape recorder.  I may need to purchase one.

Our BIG ultrasound is set up for February 17th at 1:15.  So, that's when we should know if baby is a boy or a girl.  I can't wait! Let's hope the baby cooperates.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby Blog 22

Juuuuust peachy! Moving on up in the fruit bowl, baby should be around the size of a peach now. That is a 3 and 1/2 inch peach! Granted, since my skin and intestines are not transparent, I'm just going by guidelines. ;)  But seeing as how little one was 3 inches last Wednesday, I wouldn't be surprised if he or she is 3 and 1/2 inches today!

I still don't feel any movement.  I thought I did one morning when I was lying down super still.  However, when I saw the baby moving all around on the ultrasound and didn't feel a thing, I'm thinking it was something else I felt.  It shouldn't be too much longer, though, until I feel the baby...maybe just somewhere from like 3-5 more weeks.

Ever since we saw the baby very healthy at almost 13 weeks, I've been allowing myself to get more excited about this.  I was a nervous wreck at the beginning trying very hard not to be a nervous wreck.  At this point, I'm glad to be statistically be beyond the "danger zone" and moving to the 2nd trimester.  I could also already be in the 2nd trimester depending on what book  you read.  

Another thing I just learned that I didn't know....
Sleeping on your back while pregnant can cut off circulation to the baby.  So, sleeping at night has been just going from one side to the other.  It's trickier than I thought it would be.  I suppose I'll get used to it though.