Soon after my little one was born, I was told my mother was excitedly bustling about the house gathering up my baby pictures. She gleefully compared each one to pictures she had seen of her grandson. Then, while she was visiting, she kept saying she felt like she was holding her own baby all over again because she felt he resembled me so much. While I will admit that his feet are almost a direct copy of mine, I see other people in him. And I told my mother that I feel each side of the family will probably see their own family members in him when they look at him. So, I wasn't convinced she was really correct in saying he looked so much like me.
Well, still feeling strongly about this, she decided to send me some pictures of myself and even told me to compare one picture in particular to one of his baseball pictures we took. I do think my mother must have a fascination in comparing my appearance to males. Growing up, she would tell me I looked like my grandfather to which I would adamantly retort, "I do not!" Now, she has chosen yet another male to illustrate how I look. Hmmmm....thanks! (just kidding only).
Even though I actually see a strong resemblance to my mother-in-law when I look at him (I'd love to compare those baby photos), there is no denying that he does look like me to some extent. I'm not sure about the older baby photos, but I do see similarities in the newborn photos (granted, many newborns look alike). I figured I would post some side-by-side photos here for you to compare. My mother is convinced, but I say the jury is still out.
Newborn photo showdown
Me (again)
Well, still feeling strongly about this, she decided to send me some pictures of myself and even told me to compare one picture in particular to one of his baseball pictures we took. I do think my mother must have a fascination in comparing my appearance to males. Growing up, she would tell me I looked like my grandfather to which I would adamantly retort, "I do not!" Now, she has chosen yet another male to illustrate how I look. Hmmmm....thanks! (just kidding only).
Even though I actually see a strong resemblance to my mother-in-law when I look at him (I'd love to compare those baby photos), there is no denying that he does look like me to some extent. I'm not sure about the older baby photos, but I do see similarities in the newborn photos (granted, many newborns look alike). I figured I would post some side-by-side photos here for you to compare. My mother is convinced, but I say the jury is still out.
Newborn photo showdown
For some baby photos now
2 of me
(The top picture is the one for the comparison to the baseball photo)
and now vs
Two pictures of him (as close of a pose as I can find)
I see clear differences in these..such as...oh say...the amount of hair! haha Also, I don't think he has my eyes and I think his face is rounder. But there you go! Maybe he does resemble me. Who knows?
And as an added bonus
Apparently, sometime during my childhood, I got hold of the first newborn picture that I posted. And, feeling the need to make sure everyone knew who that lovable baby was, I wrote my name on the back. Not only that, but I took extra care to scratch through my name written in my mother's handwriting-clearly kindergarten print is much superior. And I also had to ensure that everyone knew that I was Rebecca not to be mistaken with my sister Megan as illustrated with the crossing out of her name. My teachers would still confuse us anyway..oh darn!