Initially, I had no intentions of putting up a tree this year. We are scheduled to move on February 1st, and there is A LOT that needs to be done before we move. So, we basically have to start packing up to move as soon as we get back here in January from visiting relatives. I was really pretty fine with this as the tree is pretty cumbersome, and I'd rather just let it be in the garage this year.
I didn't want to go totally without decorating, so I put some things up that would be easy to put back away. This is the extent of my Christmas decorating.
I didn't want to go totally without decorating, so I put some things up that would be easy to put back away. This is the extent of my Christmas decorating.
A church and a school atop fake snow. Behind this is a string of musical Christmas lights strung over the window.
Little Man's stocking held up by a JOY sign my mother sent me. I didn't want to put a nail in the mantle.
I was PERFECTLY fine with just these decorations! They felt festive enough to me! Until...
My husband brought his toy train in and set it up.
Now, it is staring me in the face saying, "I need a tree in the middle to go around!" Every time I walk past it all I can think is, "I should go out and get the tree and put it up." The poor train looks like a lost little child without a tree to me.
Even though I can hardly resist the urge to get that tree and place it in the sad-looking empty space, I also know what all I have to do between now and February. So, that stops me.
But I'm considering my options. I could....
1.) Just put the tree up without extra decorations. It is pre lit.
2.) Put the tree up and a FEW decorations. It would probably be nice to put a star on top.
3.) Go all in! It is Christmas after all! Plus, a good friend of mine just sent us a box of Christmas ornaments!
4.) Just keep the decorations I have knowing I don't really want to create a lot of work for myself in January.
Oh decisions decisions :) Ha! What would YOU do?
I would put up the tree. Rebecca you don't have to go all out just put a few things on the tree. Yes that train does look lonely with out a Christmas Tree in the middle.