Wednesday, December 7, 2011

LEAST favorite Christmas Song!

I'm not sure if everyone has a least favorite Christmas song, but I know I have one.  My dad and sister each have one as well.  My sister's least favorite song is Silver Bells.  I think she just doesn't like all the words that start or end with the letter S in it.  I actually like that song, though.  My dad's least favorite is Away in a Manger because he feels it downplays the birth of Christ.

My least favorite song is actually a tie between two.  I can't decide which song is more annoying or depressing to me.  I get just as annoyed with both of them and can't sit through either one.  Sadly, both songs get lodged in my brain after only a few seconds of hearing them.

First one is...
Blue Christmas

I like Elvis Presley, but I do not like this song at all.  It is so depressing to me! 
"I'll have a blue Christmas without you
I'll be so blue just thinking about you"
That's enough to divert my attention from Christmas altogether to somebody's heartache, which really isn't what Christmas is about at all.

The second one is...
Last Christmas
I think this one might be SLIGHTLY more annoying to me than Blue Christmas because  I can't stand the way they say "SPECIAL." 

"Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away" - OUCH!
"This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special." -Okay, so why are we still fixated on this obvious jerk from last year?

Anyway, I think what it is is that both songs require the actions of one other person in order for Christmas to be a happy time! And this is why both of these songs are my least favorite!  I thought about not sharing the videos...but what the hey..just in case anyone was wondering, I figured I'd share them.

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