Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gordon Lee is Looking Like his Daddy!

Today, I had my rescheduled 4D ultrasound appointment.  Fortunately, he was much more cooperative this time than the last time.  For anyone interested, this is how his legs were for pretty much the duration of the ultrasound last time.  And he would not bring them down! :)

Today, he was much more compliant.  Although, he did arch his head back giving us some funny pictures.  And there were a few times that he had his feet and hands up blocking the view.  Nevertheless, we did get some good pictures.  Annd..I can't believe how much he looks like his daddy in them! 
This picture of Lee is the best one I can find from the same angle for comparison.

Of course, when he was doing his blowfish impression, he looked quite a bit different! :)

1 comment:

  1. He's just blowing his grandmama a kiss:) Glad that leg is down today. That looked uncomfortable the other day. Love seeing this cute little guy!
