Sunday, February 20, 2011

Baby Blog 32

Right now, I am on "winter break" for the school system here, which is really nice. I had Friday off and then I have Monday off.  So, we get a 4 day weekend.  Anyway, with my day off Friday, I went shopping! It was wonderful I was up and out to get to the stores by 10 am.  Nothing was crowded at all, so shopping was a breeze.

Anyway, amid my shopping, I decided to swing by Carter's to see if I could find anything on sale for little Gordon Lee.  Well, I did! I found 5 adorable outfits for $7 each.  I went to the Carter's website to get pictures of the outfits I bought because I can't find my camera cord to upload pictures to my computer right now.  I know it is nearby somewhere. However, we're organizing right now and putting things in storage.  I'll find the cord later.  For now, here are some pictures of what I bought for baby on my mini shopping spree.
I got a cute gator romper!

A shorts set (size 3 months)
This froggie sleeper...I love the feet!
Then, I bought 2 outfits LIKE this one, but I didn't buy this one (mine were not pictured on the website but you get the idea).

There are a few FAQ that I've been getting asked recently, and I've decided to go ahead and answer them here.

1.) How do you feel?
I feel GREAT! I'm in the 2nd trimester (honeymoon phase) of pregnancy and I'm definitely going through one of the easier phases of it right now.  I still have a strong sense of smell, which doesn't always make things great.  But compared to how I felt in the 1st trimester, this is smooth sailing right now!

2.) Are you feeling the baby?
Yes, I am! I'm not sure exactly what I'm feeling. But when I feel a little live being moving around inside me, I know it is him.  He seems to alternate between being active and not very active.  Yesterday, he was moving around a lot.  Today, he hasn't moved as much. I'm not so worried because I read it's normal for this to happen at this point in pregnancy.  I'm not supposed to start counting kicks until 28 weeks.  I have a pregnancy book that counts down each day, and this week it suggested I drink orange juice.  It said that the coldness of the orange juice plus the vitamins in it will get baby moving.  Well, it's true! Whenever I drink orange juice, I feel him moving immediately.

3.) What are you going to call him?
Right now, I'm settling for Gordon Lee (double first name) or calling him GLee.  I'm satisfied with both.  But we'll have to see what he looks like when he comes into this world!

1 comment:

  1. When I was carrying you, you had periods of sleeping or inactivity and periods of moving around. I like the outfits, esp. the froggie sleeper. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.
