One the flip side, my favorite household chore is taking out the trash! Ha! You'd think it would be the other way around. It could be that I like getting that nastiness OUT of the house. Staring at a full trash can is frustrating anyway because it's gross. And I actually really like taking out the trash. In college, when I lived in a dorm I remember that I loved volunteering to take out the trash, and that still hasn't changed. The only time I didn't like this chore was in my old apartment, but that was because it was very hard for me to get the bag down the stairs. I don't have that issue here and I am, once again, eager to do it.
As for the other chores, I'd rank them like this in order of least favorite to favorite.
#7 Steam Cleaning the Carpets- The steam cleaner intimidates me because there are so many parts to it and you constantly have to empty out the dirty water and refill it. I also don't care for having wet carpets that I have to wait for to dry. Ewww.
#6 Vacuuming- This is one of those jobs that's kind of in the middle. I don't mind vacuuming, and it isn't that much of a hassle. The only issue I run into with vacuuming is the dog. As soon as the vacuum is plugged in, the dog is on high alert! Haha!
#5 Cooking dinner- This one is also in the middle. I enjoy actually cooking the dinner, but I dislike the mess that has to be cleaned up from it! Haha! I have to say I generally like this one though because I don't know if the mess that comes from cooking dinner is actually considered part of this chore (I'll put that one in with doing the dishes maybe). ;)
#4 Folding and putting away towels and clothes- This is not a bad job. It's just that it gets time-consuming when there's a lot of laundry that has just been done.
#3 Cleaning the bathrooms- I like cleaning the bathroom because it's so simple. All it takes is windex, some form of scrubbing bubbles or similar product, paper towels, and maybe a sponge. I have no problem taking on this chore.
Does anybody else out there have a least favorite or favorite household chore? Am I leaving any chores out? I have a feeling that I am, but oh well. I think I covered the basic ones. Now I have a sudden urge to vacuum....
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