Friday, March 4, 2011


Wave the baby flag! This pregnancy race is now halfway done for me! I am 20 weeks pregnant today, which works out to be halfway from 40 weeks.  Granted, this would make me 5 months meaning there are 4 months to go.

Also, part of these 20 weeks consists of time when I didn't even know I was pregnant.  So the next "half" might feel quite a bit longer than this one. :) But, still, it feels good to be able to say I'm halfway there.  

Right now, little Gordon Lee has grown exponentially from the time when we began.  Back at the beginning, he was the size of an appleseed and now here we are.  And you will not believe what fruit he has been compared to this week.

A cantaloupe! Here we are at 20 weeks, and he is the size of a cantaloupe. He may be a small cantaloupe right now until the end of this week (because I think the fruit sizes on my ticker represent the end of the week).  He has still grown a lot and should be at least 10 inches from head to toe! 

The miracle of life does not cease to amaze me.  I don't do very much except try to be careful of what I eat and drink for his health.  But my body is the perfect incubator for him! This experience reminds me of just how much God is in control; he created this life from the beginning and has sustained it thus far.  Here I am not really knowing exactly what is going on in there.  Yet, God knows! He knows exactly what those tiny fingers and toes are doing right now.  He knows just how to form this life in every way, and it is remarkable. :)

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing what God is doing. It's Ps. 139 that says, "He knit me together in my mother's womb." I think of my mom when she went through the windshield of the car when she was only 3 months along with David. God is in control in every way.
